Apr 19, 2014

Childbirth in a Nutshell

The scariest thing about being pregnant is the uncertainty ahead, especially childbirth. It is well-known to be painful thanks to the actresses of our TV dramas acting in pain and screaming away during labour.

It would be very comforting to know exactly what is going on when you are in labour. Therefore, I have decided to post this note about childbirth. This is a short and sweet explanation about the labouring progress from the start till end. Hang in there, all moms-to-be!

Note: This is extracted from an earlier post
...If you are wondering what on earth is going on during childbirth, here's a quick summary. Basically, the water breaking marks the start of your labour (read about how water breaking feels like. Very hilarious, but true!).

Next, you shall feel the contractions of your womb which will get more and more intense, frequent, and last longer. These contractions actually help push your baby down to open/dilate your cervix, a 'plug' at the upper part of your vagina. When this 'plug' opens fully, at around 10 cm in diameter, your baby's head could be seen clearly, 'crowning' outside your vagina. [It takes about 1 hour to open every 1 cm, so, for first-time moms, it takes about 10 hours before you can start pushing your baby out.]

By now, if you still do not have the urge to push like you would when you poo poo, or you used epidural and is totally numb from waist down, then the doctor will guide you in pushing until your bundle of joy comes out. :)